Sat Nam Rasayan healing sessions can be done in person or by distance. Each session takes 40 - 60 minutes. Price range from €40/£35.

For more information about Sat Nam Rasayan treatments, please contact Siri Akal.

After booking, you will be contacted by email or telephone to arrange a session.

Sat Nam Rasayan Yogic Therapy Sessions

Each session takes approximately 45 minutes. Available in person in Glasgow or by distance.

Investment: €55/£50 for 45 min. (please contact for sliding scale)

Sat Nam Rasayan 1 session

Yogic Therapy Session & Personalised Meditaiton

Each session takes approximately 60-75 minutes. After receiving a treatment, Siri Akal will teach you a personalised meditation which can help you to integrate the benefits of the session. Available in person in Glasgow or by distance (meditation via zoom).

Investment: €65/£55 for 60-75 min. (please contact for concessions)

SNR + meditation